Vilamendhoo 2004: Photos 5

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Diving pictures

Meyer's Butterflyfish, Chaetodon meyeri, over dead bleached coral.

Meyer's Butterflyfish, Chaetodon meyeri, over dead bleached coral.  (97k)

This Whitemargin unicornfish, Naso annulatus, seems to have run into a very hard rock at high speed.

This Whitemargin unicornfish, Naso annulatus, seems to have run into a very hard rock.  (68k)

Spotted unicornfish, Naso brevirostris.

Spotted unicornfish, Naso brevirostris.  (86k)

Blue-faced angelfish, Pomacanthus xanthometopon, at Broken Rock.

Blue-faced angelfish, Pomacanthus xanthometopon at Broken Rock. (82k)

Yellowhead Butterflyfish, Chaetodon xanthocephalus.

Yellowhead Butterflyfish, Chaetodon xanthocephalus.  (97k)

Schmedelian pincushion sea star, Culcita schmedeliana.

Schmedelian pincushion sea star, Culcita schmedeliana.  (95k)

Variable thorny oyster, Spondylus varians.

Variable thorny oyster, Spondylus varians.  (105k)

A mixed shoal of Schooling bannerfish, Heniochus diphreutes and Black pyramid butterflyfish, Hemitaurichthys zoster.

A mixed shoal of Schooling bannerfish, Heniochus diphreutes and Black pyramid butterflyfish, Hemitaurichthys zoster.  (72k)

The common Maldivean form of the Multi-pore sea star, Linckia multiflora.

The common Maldivean form of the Multi-pore sea star, Linckia multiflora.  (111k)

Coral Hind or Vermilion Rock Cod, Cephalopholis miniata.

Coral Hind or Vermilion Rock Cod, Cephalopholis miniata.  (100k)


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